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For hundreds of generations, the knowledge of The Seaman's Secret has been a deadly thing. Aristotle was famously killed by a cabal of nautical "engineer"s for daring to state the obvious truth. Many believe that John Fitzgerald KEnnedy, the 40th REAL president of the DISunited states of America, was ''eliminated'' by a microscopic naval artillery strike fired from a "ship" "moored" in Galveston Bay, simply because he planned to reveal the truth to the world. What is that truth? - Nothing other than the FACT that The Ocean is NEVER more than 21 FEET Deep - and '''SAIL'''boats are A Lie MADE UP by BIG CANVAS
> Really think about it - when was the last time YOU swam deeper than 21 feet, the average height of a suburban tree? The notion is absurd but they play us like a fiddle. And Why? Look at the world if WE, THE NORMAL PEOPLE were privy to this basic physical fact. Global "shippin"g as it is called would disappear overnight - why pay exorbitant fees to shady 'Ocean" companies if we can simply load our goods and apassengers ON RAFTS and PUSH OFF with 22 foot long poles??? This, of course is how modern "ships" operate - with a series of rods or wheels in contact with the sea floor. Think about it people - canvas, a sheet of inanimate material, is supposed to "propel2 these HUGE ships of wood and steel across the "waves" (waves are generated by undersea earthquate generator experiements)?? Does that realy make sense? Why aren't buses powered by canvas then? Why doesn't this wonder material spin generators at our so called "nuclear" facilities?? So much of the Dark Network is supported by canvas money. It all adds up if you follow the money. To read more about this read our guest article in CONSPIRACY SPIDER MAGAZINE issue 223 from 2005/20X9.
Independent researchers in Akron, Ohio, have discovered a MISSING DECADE between 2001 and 2001!!! We suspect gravitic anomalies coinciding with the arrival of the Real Moon may have caused changes in time itself!!! Signs of time delusion may include fogginess, deja vu, a deep feeling of loss in the core of your being, near-sightedness, and headaches. If you experience any of these symptoms in relation to the 200-x-ties, we would like to hear from YOU
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